It is not required, but it is highly encouraged, for at least one player from each team to screen record the match in it's entirety.
Video evidence of the entire match (including pre-game lobby interaction) will be the easiest way to resolve complicated disputes, catch cheaters, and maintain competetive integrity.
It is also recommended to take screenshots of the post game scoreboard after each map is played, as these screenshots will help expedite the review of simple disputes.
Matches will be played using Custom Games and must use the hosting order defined on the match page.
The Team that is not hosting will pick which side to play on.
If the host starts the wrong map or settings, they must end the game instantly and restart with the proper map and settings.
If the map isn't ended before the first kill, or in the first 20 seconds, the host team will forfeit that map.
Both teams must have all players in the lobby, and ready to start the match, no more than 10 minutes after the scheduled start time.
The next map should be started 10 minutes after the previous map has completed.
If a team delays for more than 10 minutes between maps that team will forfeit the match.
Video evidence should be provided in the event of a dispute involving excessive delays.
A Team can start a map with a missing player, unless it is for a "Kill Dependent Game Mode" (Team Deathmatch, Kill Confirmed etc). A Team may only be shorthanded by one Player. For example, in a 4v4, a Team can start a map with 3 Players.
If 10 minutes have passed since a maps scheduled start time, and a team has more than one missing player, the team with missing players will forfeit that map.
If a map results in a tie, the map will be replayed.
If there is a connection related issue in your match, please obtain video proof of the connection issue. After the match has been completed, contact support with any proof you obtained.
Games must be restarted if a Player disconnects in the first 30 seconds, and before the first kill.
All players must leave the match to end the game.
Proof must be captured and submitted in the event of a dispute.
If a Player disconnects AFTER the first 30 seconds or AFTER the first kill, the map must be continued.
The disconnected player may be reinvited to the game.
The team with the missing player may not leave the game.
If a team fully leaves the game due to a player disconnecting they will forfeit the map in question.
If the Host disconnects after the first 30 seconds or after the first kill, the hosting team will forfeit the map.
This includes the time between the end of the map and loading into the pre-game lobby.
If an unknown player enters the lobby, please request that they leave.
If the player leaves without disrupting the match, the match must continue.
If the player disrupts the match, the host should end the game & restart from the score at which the player entered.
If a Player actively uses a restricted item they will forfeit the current map.
The burden of proof is on the opposing team to prove the item was used. Proof of a restricted item being used must be in video format and include the scoreboard.
Leaving a match due to the opposing team equipping a restricted item but not using the item will result in a forfeit for the team that leaves the match unless they can prove that the item was used.
A team has 10 minutes after the scheduled start time to join the lobby with the proper number of players. Failure to do so will result in a forfeit of the match.
If an opposing player fails to show up you should obtain video evidence
Leaving a match due to the opposing team equipping a restricted item but not using the item will result in a forfeit for the team that leaves the match unless they can prove that the item was used.
Players are required to play the match from an account that is listed on their profile.
If a player has no account listed on their profile, or if they play from an account that is not listed on their profile, their team will forfeit the match.
If the opposing team breaks a rule that results in them forfeiting the match, you should wait until you are able to submit match results, and report that your team won the match.
Be sure that you collect thorough video evidence of the rule violation in case the opposing team decides to initiate a dispute.
Round Time Limit: 1M:30S
Round Switch: Every Round
Skip Infil: On
Input Swap Allowed: Off
Allow Callout Pings: Off
Defuse Time: 7.5 Seconds
Silent Plant: On
Reset Plant/Defuse Progress: On
Health Regeneration: Normal
Weapon Mounting: Off
3rd Person Spectating: Off
Enemy on Compass: Off
Friendly Fire: On
Equipment Delay: 5 Seconds
Battle Chatter: Off
Skip Infil: On
Initial Zone Activation Delay: Off
Next Zone Reveal Time: 10 Seconds
Objective Team Spawn Delay: Off
Health Regeneration: Normal
Weapon Mounting: Off
3rd Person Spectating: Off
Enemy on Compass: Off
Respawn Delay: 3.5 Seconds
Suicide Spawn Delay: 1 Second
Friendly Fire: On
Equipment Delay: 5 Seconds
Battle Chatter: Off
Time Limit: 1 M: 30 S
Round Time Limit 1 M: 30 S
Skip Infil: On
Input Swap Allowed: Off
Health Regeneration: Normal
Weapon Mounting: Off
3rd Person Spectating: Off
Enemy on Compass: Off
Respawn Delay: 3.5 Seconds
Suicide Spawn Delay: 1 Second
Friendly Fire: On
Killstreak Delay: 10 Seconds
Equipment Delay: 5 Seconds
Battle Chatter: Off
Gaia Blackcell
FR 5.56
Holger 556
All Shotguns
All Light Machine Guns
All Marksman Rifles
All Battle Rifles
Riot Shield
All Launchers
All Thermal Optics
All Akimbo Attachments
All Grenade Launcher attachments
All Masterkey attachments
All Suppressors & Silencers
All Ammo Types Except High Velocity & High Grain
Renetti | Jak Ferocity Carbine Kit
Cruise Missile
Precision Airstrike
All other Killstreaks are restricted
CCT Comms
Mission Control Comlink
L/R Detector
Blacklight Flashlight
Threat Identification System
Data Jacker
Bone Conduction Headset
Throwing Knife
Thermobaric Grenade
Proximity Mine
Drill Charge
Throwing Star
Breacher Drone
Battle Rage
Scatter Mine
Decoy Grenade
Snapshot Grenade
Shock Stick
Tear Gas
EMD Grenade
Heartbeat Sensor
Med Box
Inflatable Decoy
Comm Scrambler
Tactical Insertion
Tactical Camera
Deployable Cover
Recon Drone
Loadout Drop
Portable Radar
Smoke Airdrop
Suppression Mine
Anti-Armor Rounds